Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dont Be Jealous Of People's Boogie.

the feeling of jealousy and competitiveness are way different from one another. but people always confuse themselves and let the evil feeling of jealousy take over their minds.

jealousy is an evil feeling. it is when one is afraid to see others' success and therefore the feeling of hatred builds. jealousy causes relationship to fail or become less friendly, less happy or even less intimate. it destroys trust and will create unhealthy thoughts. it causes fights, disagreements and major losses of friends, family or even loved ones.

competitiveness of a person is when one wants to achieve success without building the evil feelings. being competitive can become unhealthy but one should know his or her limits so that jealousy is best avoided.

so, which one are you? dont be jealous of others's success because by the end of the day, its gonna kill you. everybody has their own time and chance to shine. its just a matter of time :)

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